Saturday, January 23, 2010
Remembering a friend....
When I grew up I had a friend who was very active in the church most of the time... He really knew the gospel and was very intelligent... He would say things like you are the athlete and I am the religious and smart one... I really believed him and I didn't do very well in school... It wasn't until I went on my mission that I realized that I could cope with academic things but I also felt that I had a sound understanding of the gospel mainly because I believed in what the Prophets and Apostles taught and I never wanted to question any of it.... Oh, I have my personal views of things but I would never teach them as if they were doctrine... On some things I would have a "let's wait and see" reaction... Not my friend... He delved into groups in the church who were intellectual but had an edge to them... they felt they could question people like Bruce R. McKonkie, Boyd K. Packard, and Joseph Fielding Smith in particular... Yea, I am not kidding... My friend had his own opinion on things that were contrary to what the Brethern taught and his justifications or that they are wrong and they don't have the answers to everything... Some of the things we talked about were unbelievable to me and yet he was so arrogant about his intellect that he would fool himself into believing that he knew the answers about controversial issues... I would plead with him to consider his feelings and yet, for some reason he could not see it... I realized then and there that he no longer held a great knowledge of the true gospel... He spouted literally his own opinion mingled with scriptures... We know this comes from Satan but some people just cannot humble themselves to listen to the Spirit which whispers not to challenge the Brethern.... My friend is still going to church and he believes the church is true, but he was never able to receive a calling that would give him the opportunity to counsel with people because the Spirit knew that he would have a hard time doing it... It amazes me that people can hang onto their own opinion and allow themselves to be intellectually vacant and all the while will teach things that they feel are personal knowledge that they received even though it goes against the basic teachings of the gospel.... I love my friend and I left him nameless on purpose because I am writing a blog and I know that there is a possibility that one of his children or grandchildren might read it and that would be tragic... I never know who is going to read this blog so I feel that I must be careful, but the principle is important for my Grandchildren to learn... Night... 39
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Yea, Mass. belately....
I was watching Bo and Taylor play basketball on a night when Mass. came through in slam dunking Obama's craziness by voting in a Republican to take the place of Ted Kennedy... This is great news... I'm sure that the Founding Fathers had Ted Kennedy peek through the veil to see what happen to his seat after he left.... Though we know the end of this adventure it is still fun to battle wickedness at this time... Night.... 39
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
It is sure wet....
It is really raining here this week... I haven't gone golfing at all which is proof on how wet it is here... Venna and I had a relaxing night tonight.... We watched 24, a stupid but entertaining show.... We are hoping that it snows tonight so I can get up and talk about not going to school in my blog tomorrow... This is not a very interesting blog but I consider it a keep the commandment blog... We were counceled when we got married in the Manti Temple that we should keep a journal... Well, I just did that... Night... 39
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Bo and Taylor: Basketball
Joshua came with Venna and I to see Taylor play and then we went to Palmdale to see Bo play.... Taylor scored one point and her team won... She made some real nice steals as she anticipated passess.... Bo scored 12 points but he played a very good Palmdale team.... They got beat by over 40 points.... Palmdale had a 6'10" player and he dunked on Bo a couple of times.... Oh well, he played well and Taylor did too... I am just so thankful to be able to watch them.... I am grateful for Joshua coming too, I know it means a lot to both Bo and Taylor....
Monday, January 18, 2010
I do remember Martin Luther King...
We have a major storm coming in so I went to town and did some shopping so we could get some staple items in case it floods... I actually kind of enjoyed it but I was not to excited when I left... The rest of the day was i was busy being lazy and watching for a big storm and all we got was some scattered showers... I am glad though because California is just primed for a lot of mud slides... Venna got a lot of work done also, so it was a good day.... I really do admire Martin Luther King... He did everything with peace and non violence on his mind... My parents were confused by him and I got some misinformation on him when I was young but I now know that he was a great man and I have been so bold to say that he was an Elias for the cause of the Priesthood being given to the blacks... I believe he led the way and it was his extraordinary life that prompted President Spencer W. Kimball to pray and ponder the plight of the black man in our age... I remember being in the parking lot during a lunch time and listening to the radio... I was working for House of Fabrics... And I heard a news bulletin and it told us of the decision by the Latter Day Saints church to give the Priesthood to the all males and that all could go to the temple... I remember crying to a near uncontrollable state with joy for that marvelous revelation... Since then we have had many, many great black people receive the opportunity to go to the temple to do Eternal work.... Night... 39
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Jeffrey Hollands spoke to me.....
We had Stake Conference this morning and it was the satelite version and Southern California was the audience... Jeffrey Holland talked about forgiving yourself, but the part I was really touched by was when he commented that Heavenly Father rejoices and remembers all the good things we do, and that He appreciates it when we do it... In my mind I have always figured that being kind or good was a given and that it is our bad deeds that would be remembered, wow, that doesn't speak very highly of a loving Father in Heaven... It really hit me that he does recognize all the good things we do and that thrills us like our children makes us happy when they do good things.... I also felt the Spirit hit me quite profoundly that Heavenly Father loves me... I needed that... I was thrilled when President Martz sought us out (his words not mine) and I told him that I wanted to talk to him because Rachael (Rachael was right next to me at the time) and her husband Brian were going to get sealed on March 6th and that they wanted him to seal them... He agreed to it and gave mom instructions to wear white because she will be the one who will help with Rachael's kids during the ceremony and that the rest of us would be dressed in our Sunday Best... My goodness to have a friend who is in his position is quite a blessing to me... I will never forget all the experiences we had together when he was the Stake President and I was the Bishop... Things are bad down in Haiti... They had a tremendous earthquake and helter skelter is taking place down there.... My prayers are with them... We are also expected to have a lot of rain this week and it makes me wonder how the homes are going to be at the burnt spots.... Night... 39
Brian, thank you for the honor....
Jared, Joshua, Brian and myself went to a leadership meeting at 4:00 together... We were representing the Lake LA Ward at Stake Conference.... That night we had the adult session of Stake Conference and Brian was sustained for the Melchezdek Priesthood.... He allowed me the sacred honor to ordain him.... It was a wonderful experience and it is wonderful to see Brian and Rachael doing so well... I am happy for my grandchildren because the Priesthood is in their home... I know that Rachael is excited about Briggs being blessed and I think Rachael is excited about receiving a blessing from her husband... When you think about it it is just cute and precious... I believe that Brian is going to be an anchor in the gospel and the Lord has a great tool to work with... This was one of the great days in my life... Night.... 39
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Taylor won, Bo lost...
Taylor's basketball team beat Lancaster pretty easy... It was by some 30 points... One of Taylor's players is really good... Bo's team lost by some 30 points and Bo only scored 4 points... They were watching him pretty close and it seemed that he was rushing his shots.... He had a couple of ally oops passes go over his head for dunks... I was cruel, I just yelled,"Jump up there and slap it away Bo!"... Pretty cruel thing to say when there was a sky walker over him... I am feeling better in fact Joshua and I went golfing this morning... My class was pretty sweet, being really good in class as they presented their science projects... I am a lucky guy for the way I was treated... Brian is becoming a cult hero here on the board... He told our budget person in the office in a budget meeting that if she can't do it correctly we can find someone else... Woa, that really shook her up and us peons are pretty excited that the high and mighty in the office are being brought down... I am sure that the people in the office thinks that I am behind it all but quite frankly I have never, never talked to Brian about what he should do and I hope that I never will...I am proud of him though and that is my right to be so and I will not let anyone take that away from me... Tonight his is being ordained to the Melchezdek Priesthood and he is ready.... Night... 39
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wow, I had a scare......
Yesterday, I was sitting in front of my school computer putting in grades... I was getting frustrated because the fifteen scores that I put in suddenly disappeared and I considered just getting up and go golf a few holes... I stayed there and started to put in the scores in again when suddenly and this is where it gets sticky, suddenly I felt my head kind of shutdown and then come back again... It felt like an earthquake or the feeling like you have when you go down a roller coaster... I looked at the screen and it went fuzzy and I was instantly in a state of dizziness... I was worried about a lot of things but I was afraid I was having a major stroke so I instantly went for my Iphone and dialed of our nurse in the office... Rose Nichols is her name and her and Laura Leroy came to my room and was comforting me and letting me lean on them until the paramedics came... I was able to communicate with Venna and she came down also... It was weird because I went from wanting to go golfing to a feeling like the flu was beating me up.... The paramedics came and recommended that I go to the hospital... By the time I got to the hospital I felt pretty good but just felt dizzy... When I did come home about 7:00 I instantly went to bed and slept the whole night until my children cam home from seminary... I am still befuddled by what happen and I am scared only because it came on so quickly without even a indicator... That is the part that scares me is the instant pop that came to me and I was in an awful state.... It was weird because i was saying to myself "is this it, is this how my life is going to end".... Thank goodness I am okay, I had to admit that Brian and Rachael came to mind and how desperate I am that I am here for there sealing and then there is Taylor and Bo.... I am sorry if this sounds morbid but this is what I experienced and the beat goes on... Night...39
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Oh my, Bo....
I was a really proud father as I watched Bo score 26 points... His team lost 70-60 but Highland was chasing Bo all over the court... I think every player took there turn to try and stop him.... He had 7 three pointers... If there was an opening he hit the shot... Wow, that was a lot of fun... I had a frustrating day at school today because we were being observed by what is called a DAIT team, I think that is the proper acronym to use, but whatever it is a government program that intrudes, enough said.... Taylor and I started up another season of American Idol tonight... We both like this Mormon kid from Sandy, Utah... He is a return missionary that overcame cancer... It is fun having these daddy/daughter date or get togethers... She is great company and there is plenty of fun involved... I went to the Doctor to try and get medicine for my ear that is losing volume... It happens whenever I have an earache and I had one last week... I hope the medicine helps because it is hard to teach when you feel dizzy and dazed... Night... 39
Monday, January 11, 2010
Beat McKenna and Bradon, but....
It was so much fun to play handball against McKenna and Bradon and I think I surprised them that I could play... Heck, my right hand knuckles are still scarred from the scabs I had on them when I played handball way back at Canoga Park Elementary... It is a great game but my grandchildren are greater... I appreciate them playing with me.... I enjoyed talking to Becca Saturday morning and I was really excited that Brent has,... well, Tiger Woods (It's hard to say that name)golf on the Wii... I am anxious to hear from Brent and how we can play each other over the wireless internet, I think that is the right way to communicate that... Night.... 39
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Obama... Can you say Gadiaton Robber?!
I cannot believe what a joke Obama is making of our country... The only good thing is that I think he is waking up America, I just hope it is not to late... I am thankful that we have the assurance that this is the Land of Jesus Christ and He is the God of this land... Good luck progressives and Obama with that task... We will win overall but it is amazing to see how many people are blind by the precepts of man... Global Warming by humans, just the sound of it is a joke... Higher taxes and government spending is going to stimulate the economy... We are told as teachers that we need to spend our whole time teaching the students who refuse to learn rather than reach the ones that want to learn... Why, because they say the ones that want to will learn on there own and don't need any help... Yep, I am not kidding... Oh by the way Mom, have you recovered yet with the news of Bo and White lightning... Joshua and I went and golfed at California City... It was a lot of fun and they provided us the best hamburger I have eaten for a long time for free because we golfed there.... We have Obama but this country is still the greatest country in the world... Night... 39
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Bo scored 14 points, but...
Bo scored 14 points and had 5 block shots but his team got beat by the score of 63-35... They got beat by Eastside and it really wasn't fair... They were screaming and watching whereever Bo went on the court to try and stop him... He made 4 three pointers... That used to be 8 points for me when I played but he gets 12, oh well, thats life.... He has beautiful timing on block shots and was really effective with them tonight... Now, the bad news on Bo.... He went to court for his speeding ticket, yep Mom, he got your puppy up to 75 MPH and it cost us $331 dollars and he also has to take a drivers class, 8 hours worth... I helped find Taylor's definately lossed basketball shorts... We systimatically went over everything in her soon to be clean-dirty room and we found them in the closet.... She was shocked that we found them but logic says that they were somewhere deep in her jungle... Taylor did not score tonight but her team won 43-4... She is on a very good team... night.... 39
A funny thing happen... We bought 2....
Our Sienna Van and Corolla after 9 years are both breaking down and needed big time repairs.... We decided we didn't need a van anymore so we decided to go buy a new Toyota for Venna and I would take the broken down, oil burning Corolla... Well, our credit rating was so good that Toyota was able to give us a car for 0% interest throughout the loan so we did the smart thing and bought two cars at that rate... Our monthly isn't anymore than our Sienna was 9 years ago... I am really proud of the way the Venna has been handling our finances, she reminds me of my mother.... We bought a Camry for Venna and a Corolla for me... We are very excited about not having a car break down on us or have to pay mechanic bills... We also went through Costco so the Toyota gave us a break on the price of the car too... I tell my kids that patience and a college education will perform miracles at the most uncommon time... Night.... 39
Monday, January 4, 2010
Relaxing day...
I went with Joshua to play golf this morning... I beat him 81-86.... The main thing is that we had a lot of fun... Riley and Andy wanted to go with Venna for fish hunting (aquarium) so we took them...Boise State beat a very good TCU team and ended up undefeated... Riley has a chance to win our little football pool... She really knows her football, yea right, she just has a knack for picking a winning team by hearing their name... It's fun though... I am beginning to really feel a pain in my ear... I hate earaches.... Night... 39
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I did not forget....
I called my Mother yesterday with the thought of my Dad's anniversary of his death on Jan. 2nd, 2008 was on my mind... I sat down about 5 times yesterday to write on it but I just couldn't get the juices flowing because I wanted it to be an appropriate tribute... I did forget to write once the evening came... My Dad is with us still because I try to live my life like he lived his... I always say hi to someone who looks a little scary or intimidating.... I will always say hi to someone who I don't remember... I enjoy watching sports with my children and my Grandchildren when the time becomes appropriate... I try hard to serve well in church... I drive crazy like he did at times and thus has been given the nickname "Indiana Jones".... I am going to go and see as many things that my Grandchildren participate in that is possible... I love my wife and she is my best friend... I loved coaching my kids in sports, but I never became the coach that my Dad was... I want to have as big a heart as my dad but that probably will never happen but I would like to see anyone with as big a heart as my dad had... My dad would love all the opportunities that I have to watch sports.... I want to read the scriptures everyday like my Dad did with Mom... I believe that my Dad would have been a great teacher if he chose to go that direction and would have been a great Bishop if he was active his whole life... He was full of love and care and I believe he represents Charity as described in Moroni 7 like no one else that I have been associated with....
Last night Joshua and I gave Jared a blessing... He is really sick... I saw him today and he is getting better but not much.... I taught a lesson today in the Elders Quorum meeting and I believe it went well... I bore my testimony for the first time for quite awhile because I was Spiritually dazed by a member who thought I was not there for clean up after a lunch we have after church and thought that I don't act like the person who claimed to know that God lives... It wasn't my assignment to do the clean up and actually I wasn't even there, but some how this person took it out on me... Yea, I was dealt a little blow by that, yea, I know that I should have shrugged it off but, I guess I didn't... But I am okay now, and ready to press forward... The person I am talking about is a good friend though and if she cared to think that she might have been crueled to me it would be okay because I would forgive her... Easily.... I know that I do not live a perfect life but nevertheless I do have a testimony of my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ... Night... 39
Last night Joshua and I gave Jared a blessing... He is really sick... I saw him today and he is getting better but not much.... I taught a lesson today in the Elders Quorum meeting and I believe it went well... I bore my testimony for the first time for quite awhile because I was Spiritually dazed by a member who thought I was not there for clean up after a lunch we have after church and thought that I don't act like the person who claimed to know that God lives... It wasn't my assignment to do the clean up and actually I wasn't even there, but some how this person took it out on me... Yea, I was dealt a little blow by that, yea, I know that I should have shrugged it off but, I guess I didn't... But I am okay now, and ready to press forward... The person I am talking about is a good friend though and if she cared to think that she might have been crueled to me it would be okay because I would forgive her... Easily.... I know that I do not live a perfect life but nevertheless I do have a testimony of my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ... Night... 39
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
Well, I made it to 2010... I can't believe how exciting it is to still be alive... 2009 will always go down in history for me as the most tumultious year for our country... We have a president and congress that is absolutely determined to destroy our freedoms.... They lie and deceit on everything and put a rosey name to it... Anyone who has read the Book of Mormon or listen to the prophet Ezra Taft Benson would know what our corrupt government is doing... Our jobless rate is in double figures (10%) and climbing and taxes are rising at an alarming rate.... I like this patriot who is on Fox News Channel, Glen Beck, he is a member of the church and is really shaking up the country and the nation is rallying behind him... Obama has the worst rating for a first year president as far as being liked... He is putting self proclaim communists in his czar positions and I defy anyone to show me where czar's are in the Constitution... That's the problem though because the self proclaim progressives feel that the Constitution is out of date and they feel they are way more intellegent than the Founding Fathers.... I am anxious for the New Year because life is getting more exciting all the time...
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