Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brian, thank you for the honor....

Jared, Joshua, Brian and myself went to a leadership meeting at 4:00 together... We were representing the Lake LA Ward at Stake Conference.... That night we had the adult session of Stake Conference and Brian was sustained for the Melchezdek Priesthood.... He allowed me the sacred honor to ordain him.... It was a wonderful experience and it is wonderful to see Brian and Rachael doing so well... I am happy for my grandchildren because the Priesthood is in their home... I know that Rachael is excited about Briggs being blessed and I think Rachael is excited about receiving a blessing from her husband... When you think about it it is just cute and precious... I believe that Brian is going to be an anchor in the gospel and the Lord has a great tool to work with... This was one of the great days in my life... Night.... 39


Munchkin Invasion said...

That is the most wonderful news ...thank you for sharing.

Scott Briggs said...

Wish I could have been there.