Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Fun temple trip with Rachael...
I really enjoyed going with Rachael to the temple yesterday... We left at 5:00 in the morning but neither of us felt like we were crazy... It is so much fun to be around Rachael and her life is so delightful now.... I am very proud of Brian and Rachael and their family... Oh by the way the temple experience was exactly what a person would expect and it was peaceful... Taylor and I went to the dentist this morning so Taylor can be abused by the dentist, but at this moment the real purpose for me going with her was to allow her to drive to the dentist... She is getting better at driving by leaps and bounds... She is getting to be a very good driver... Bye... 39
Monday, June 28, 2010
Greatest Sac. Talk ever and we saw Grandpa Good...
Venna gave the greatest Sacrament talk I have ever heard... Her text was the Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith... I know she is my wife but it just can't be denied that she prepares and presents unbelievable Sacrament talks... She allowed the Saints to have a real personal relationship with the Savior and helped them to understand the Savior in a way that I don't they have ever experienced before... I had a great PPI with Jason Jay as we discussed important issues... He is a special young man... Venna and I went to Anaheim to see Bob Good... He is doing quite well considering he lost his wife a few months ago... Linda and her husband Ken was there along with Gail...We had a wonderful visit and we got to do a lot of Obama bashing... When I got home I took out Taylor to practice driving... She is doing a very good job of learning... Bye... 39
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Lake LA Ward does it again...
At 8:00 yesterday morning we had about 30 members in our ward at the Pierson's house and we were able to clean a three quarter acre of weeds, trash, mend a fence in one hour.... We know about the one hour service project and many of the saints are sold on this... In fact it is a spiritual experience when we see complete clutter and in one hour everything looks nice... Many of the sisters were with us on this one and some of my favorites like Venna, Rachael, Kari were there... Rachele was doing her part in watching her children play softball but Josh was there and Taylor babysat the kids so Kari and Rachael could go... Jared, Jacob, Brian, and Bo were also there... Then we had a ton more from the ward there also... There might have been more than thirty there.... Feelings were very tender there as we gather together and had a prayer before we left... I believe that is the Zion feeling that we need to have as we face these tough days ahead of us... Oh by the way Taylor is now driving and is going to finish her lessons by the end of next week... She drove the car when we went to see Toy Story 3 and she did a good job though she was nervous at the first... Toy Story 3 was a fun movie and we always like to see it in 3D if possible... Night... 39
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Girls night out...
We have all of the female grandchildren in town over at our house at this time... They are having a lot of fun and I think Rayden is really having fun but also is very troubled because she is seeing that we have a fun family and we really are a family.... It was fun watching all of them doing an exercise video with music and singing and dancing together... We had pizza and they went swimming in my spa... Why anyone would try to find joy in anything but posterity is absolutely crazy... I am very proud of Becca and Asher looks really cute... We are getting soccer crazy and even though it seems that some foreign officials have tried real hard to keep us out of the next round, well they just failed... I hope the USA does well this Saturday... Taylor is done with driving school so sometime next week she will be driving my car... Wow, and the beat goes on... President Obama is really getting exposed as the fraud he is... We need to get a president who loves our country.... Night... 39
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I had a wonderful Father's Day....
How could I not have a wonderful Father's Day when I had so many of my children in my house and was able to talk to those who are not here... My family has always been so kind to me and it humbles me greatly... I paused for a moment with everyone at our house and I was amazed that from my flesh and blood such wonderful individuals came about... Jacob was called to be Young Men President.... We had a wonderful Elder's Quorom Presidency meeting and I think Brian is going to be my new counselor... It seems like Brian has been here forever and it is fun to see him fellowship those who are getting activated and have such a wonderful influence on them, namely Phillip Stout today.... I also had a very spiritual interview with Loyal Dillon who just turned 19 last week... We sang "Oh My Father" in Sacrament Meeting and I was touched by a very powerful and personal Spirit as I sang that song... I do love my Father in Heaven... I talked to the Brethern about our Ward service project this Saturday at the Pierson's house and I could only see excitement in their faces... We are going to serve for one hour but I fully expect over 40 people there to serve and that is a weeks worth of work for an individual so we are looking forward to helping this less active family... I belong to a nice ward and I have a wonderful family.... I am so thankful to have a wonderful and supporting wife.... I miss my Dad.... Night.... 39
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Lakers did it Dad....
Being a romantic I need to state that if Dad wasn't with me it sure felt like it anyways... Bo watched it with me but he was rooting for the Celtics so it was not quite the same but he was fun to watch with and I felt he kept everything real... I am very thankful to Kobe Bryant, Pao Gasoll, Ron Artest, Derreck Fisher, Andrew Bynum, Lamar Odom, and the rest of them... Thank you Phil Jackson... I am not ashamed to admit that the tears were flowing... We went to the beach with Joshua's family, Rachaels Family, Becca's kids, and my kids at home... It was a fun experience... I still have the flu so goodnight... 39
Sickness, Lakers, and Dad.....
There has been a lot of sickness in our house especially Venna, Elijah and I... That is the reason why I never got on this thing... I am thankful that my sister is with Mom so she would be so busy that she did not have time to see that I have not written... I watched the Lakers win a lovely game that only puts us in a game seven which historically the Celtics have never lost and I hope that I am not being set up for another disaster... I was sick while I watched the game so my romantic night of spending it with my father was not as acute as I expected, but if it is possible, who knows maybe we can share tonight together especially if the Lakers win... In a romantic view I can't help think if we were both in the Spirit World that we would figure out a way to ditch the group there and take a look at the game together, so, if he can who knows, we have shared many frustrating/heartbreaking experiences together with Jerry West and the old Lakers and now we have Kobe Bryant who is in a virtual same position so why can't we share this one too... Here's to the Lakers to break the bearier of the 60ties once and for all.... Night... 39
Monday, June 14, 2010
All my Grandkids were great...
They were all here except for Scott's kids... It was great and they got along very well... Kari and Jake brought a blowup swimming pool with a slide, yep, a slide and the kids had a blast with it... Elijah was really cuddly with Taylor and myself... He was always laughing and was just a delight... Jake,Braydon, Joshua, Bo,and Noah were watching a soccer video game and everytime they scored a goal they would yell a very long and loud, "Gooooooooooooal", well Isaiah came in and told Noah that he had three strikes and Noah just waved his hand casually at Isaiah and said,"Go to the other room Isaiah".... Everyone is dancing to this music video for WII and I guess they are going for points and losing calories... I really enjoy watching all of them do it... I would rather walk 5 miles golfing... I am watching a lot of World Cup Soccer and it is fun and tomorrow night I am going to watch the Laker/Celtics game tomorrow night by myself, unless Bo watches it with me and I am going to imagine that I am wathcing it with my Dad like we did in the 60ties... I really miss him, especially at a time like this... Who knows maybe he won't be busy tomorrow... Night.... 39
Noah and the Discussion on Volume....
The control box volume is recognized by numbers... The higher the number the lower the volume and the lower the number the loucder it gets... Noah and I had about a half an hour of experimenting with the volume because Noah was fascinated with the volume getting louder when the numbers are small... Single digit numbers practically blows the house down as Noah found out when he asked me to move it to 8 and he was fascinated and yet frustrated when it went up to 60... We found out that 51 was pretty much a perfect number for volume control... Wow, I did not expect to teach a math lesson this morning.... 39
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Picked up Becca's Boys....
I had a wonderful but tiring birthday yesterday... I appreciate all the people who came to Briggs and mine birthday... It was his first one, I hope he has half as fun in life as I have... The Fransens and our family all came and so did Rayden... Venna and I bought a basket for the little guys that Josh put up and we also redid the playground ground by putting rubber chips on it so it won't cause any splinters... The kids loved both of our additions... Venna and I picked up Brent and Becca's kids at Blythe and we had a wonderful drive with them and they were excellent tonight... I am doing my best to write in this journal but actually I am in a great deal of pain as the Celtics beat the Lakers again... I almost wish I wasn't a sports fan because it is so painful, I know that most of the people will say come on give me a break but it is a real pain, one that my Dad and I suffered with way back in the 60ties... That is why I cried like a baby for a long time when the Magic Johnson group beat the Celtics in 1985 and again in '87... I really thought we had them this year and we still have a chance because the final two games will be played in LA... Kobe Bryant was unbelievable again but he will need help... Jacob watched it with me and I enjoy watching games with my boys more than words can say, but his dislike for the Lakers and his honest remarks are painful as he roots for the Celtics to win... Oh I love watching games with him and all my others but it is not a laughing matter for me, a crap this is stupid, but then again stupid as it is, it is still a true feeling that I have... I hope the Lakers can figure it out and beat the Celtics in the next two games... I hope my baby in Arizona is getting some well deserve rest as she is about to have her sixth child... Night.... 39
Friday, June 11, 2010
Watching World Cup/Damn Celtics....
I am watching World Cup right now and I am hoping that Mexico breaks the South African's heart.... I love World Cup and I am thankful that I am able to watch it... The Celtics always reverts to thuggery everytime they are on the verge to get beat and I wish that Jackson would unleash his two big men on the bench who never play (Powell and Mbenga the big African) and tell them to use all twelve of their fouls and beat the crap out of the Celtics... I get so sick of overt rough play that the Celtics go to at a time of desperation... I swear the worst team is going to win again, my only hope is that Dad smashes the cigar in Red Auerbach's face when he lights it up.... I hate the Celtics with a passion that is not healthy... I even hated my two favorite college players, Danny Ainge and Bill Walton when they played for the Celtics... I am afraid that Bynum is out for the rest of the series... I hate leprechauns and I hope some Ogre steps on it.... Kobe drives to the basket and they don't even try to block the shot but just crush him and most of the time it isn't even called.... I am sick of it, but isn't this a fun time of the year... Go Lakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Night.... 39
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Didn't sleep at all last night....
I don't know why but I just couldn't sleep... Heck, I didn't take a nap or anything but I was feeling it this morning when I picked up a missionary from our ward that came home early... I hope everything is goes okay with him... I went golfing with Jacob and we were both tired at the end and I shot a 84 and he shot a 96.... Most important is the fact that I enjoyed hanging with Jacob, although I did miss Joshua who was taking a couple of tests at college... Night... 39... Oh, Julie thank you for your note to me....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Lakers Win game 3...
And Derek Fisher was great... I want to beat the Celtics, oh, so bad.... We are now ahead 2-1... Night... 39
Wow, weird things are happening....
Sunday night about midnight we got a call from Becca telling us not to get up early and go to her house... Suddenly plans changed.... I got a call from President Banfield and was asked to go pick up a missionary that is being sent home early... Well, I went to the airport in Burbank and barely got my parking spot and then I received a phone call from Venna telling me that the missionary is coming the next morning... I called President Banfield and told him that I would come down here again, but it is a pretty weird day and week... I did get in some good golfing... I golfed with Jacob yesterday and Jacob and Joshua today... We are going to meet with Becca and Brent at Blyth to pick up the boys so Becca and Brent can have a week without the boys as she prepares to have her baby... I am so glad that we are able to do that for her... Bo, DJ, and Dane Beazel came over to help prepare our ground for new ground covering for our playground equipment... John Beaudette also did some tractor work and fixed our car at a very reasonable price.... He is a great neighbor... Night... 39
Saturday, June 5, 2010
John Wooden, I will never forget you...

I actually was looking forward to John Wooden's death because sometimes he is forgotten when people like Bobby Knight and Dean Smith was called by some when they retired as the greatest coach... Give me a break... The other thing I hated to hear was that John Wooden couldn't do it today, another give me a break... John Wooden was an unbelievable person, teacher, and then coach.... He loved his wife Nelle and I am happy for him that he is with his belove wife and I am sure that they will accept the baptism and eternal marriage that someone will do for them in the temple... I have heard from some officials that he could say some pretty saucy things with his program rolled up and he is speaking through it as a offial runs by, but oh my, could he coach... I particularly remember him beating Elvin Hayes and Houston in the Semi Final in the NCAA tournament... I remember taking our dates home early so all my buddies could meet at Richie Giacopuzzi house at 11:30 PM to see the replay of UCLA basketball games... He won two championships with a center that was 6'5"... He once was in the elevator with my Dad in Salt Lake when we were there playing in the All Church Tournament and UCLA with Sydney Wickes playing in the regional NCAA tournament... He encouraged my Dad and show sincere interest in what he was doing... My Dad loved him... Bill Walton was a wild hippy but he would cut his hair and bear down for John Wooden... Greg Lee and Gary Franklin whom I played with in the ninth grade was on his team.... By the way we won the State Tournament in the 9th grade and played our final game on the floor that the Lakers played on... I won the most inspirational award in the tournament, sorry, I couldn't resist adding a great moment in my life... I love John Wooden very much and I have missed him after he retired but I really miss him now, but who knows maybe my Dad can teach him something in the Spirit World elevator about the God that John Wooden loves and he will be able to act on that love for eternity.... I shot a 72 today... We are getting prepared to go to Arizona this Monday... Night.... 39
Friday, June 4, 2010
I'm back...
A lot of what I am doing at this time is working with Venna to set up our rooms... It is a cool feeling because we will be ready for the first day of school and we will be able to relax and enjoy the Summer... It looks like we are going to Arizona to be with Becca and family on Sunday... Becca is going to have the baby early, it appears... I loved the Laker game and I hope so much that they will take the Celtics down... I hope Becca has a recorder so I can see Sunday's game on Monday morning... Hey, Bec, yea that's right, hint hint... Oh, by the way put at least an extra hour on the recording because it might go into extra time..... I am looking forward to see my family in that great state and I will be sure to have my papers in order... I will love to spend money and try to help the economy there... Raydon is here and I know that Brian and Rachael and family are really thrilled... I am happy too because she is a neat girl... I believe she will be here for 6 weeks... Good for them... Jake is a bachelor this week because Kari is in Colorado but at least he is done with school today... Poor Jared still has two weeks to go,ugh... Night.... 39
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hole in one and Blueberry....
I was golfing with Joshua and on the 4th hole which is a par 3 over a pond, I was able to hit the ball and get a hole in one... It is my 4th hole in one in my life time.... This was the first one that I didn't see the ball go into the hole... Joshua said that he thought it went into the hole and it was a cool feeling to walk up and look into the hole and see the ball.... At Bo's birthday party Andy found this very ugly blue bug (she loves bugs, I am not kidding) and she would let it crawl on her arm and she gave the bug the name Blueberry, yep, I can't believe it either... Taylor later on this morning is going to post pictures for me... So beready to take anoter peek at this sight... There was a lot of people here for Bo's birthday... 5 of Bo's friends and the Fransons, Jenny Sparks and all the other regulars from our family... It was relaxing and fun... I played basketball yesterday and it was the first time that I felt I was an old man and didn't belong on the court... I am probably being hard on myself because I scored 4 points, but there was two young bucks playing guard and that made it tough... We lost by 8 points and I believe we were winning by 8 points in the first half... Bo played well but his shot waw off, but Joshua hit 4 three pointers in the second half... I am kind of on pins and needles because if Becca goes into labor again then Venna and I are on our way to help out her family... Bye,,,, 39
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