Monday, June 28, 2010

Greatest Sac. Talk ever and we saw Grandpa Good...

Venna gave the greatest Sacrament talk I have ever heard... Her text was the Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith... I know she is my wife but it just can't be denied that she prepares and presents unbelievable Sacrament talks... She allowed the Saints to have a real personal relationship with the Savior and helped them to understand the Savior in a way that I don't they have ever experienced before... I had a great PPI with Jason Jay as we discussed important issues... He is a special young man... Venna and I went to Anaheim to see Bob Good... He is doing quite well considering he lost his wife a few months ago... Linda and her husband Ken was there along with Gail...We had a wonderful visit and we got to do a lot of Obama bashing... When I got home I took out Taylor to practice driving... She is doing a very good job of learning... Bye... 39

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