Sunday, July 25, 2010

3 days later.... I'm ready.... Are you?....

Tom Jay, Jason Jay, Jacob Gallop, Bo, Jake, Jared, Joshua, Brian, Bishop Dassler and myself are all stalwart heroes of the best kind as we did a job, not a service project but a dingy, putrid, horrid job that we united in and we all lived (barely) to talk about it... Forget Bo's experience of taking a bath with turpentine in it, that is frolicking in the tulips compared to what we did as a group... I will not name the lady that we helped because no one who is human should ever have to have their name associated with the grotesque gunk that we had to wallow through... Jared and I went to the house 2 hours early because we wanted to see what we were up against before we picked up the U-Haul... When we walked in there was up to four dogs running throughout the house... When I say running you can put the movement of their feet in this scenario but you could also think about bowel movements that are runny.... There was about 5 puppies also running around and I instantly told this lady that she needs to put those puppies in a room so we would not have to mix their blood with the other matter on the floor as we stomp around the house moving things and surviving.... There were boxes filled with items strewn around the house but none of them were taped down.... We saw food dangling from some boxes and bread matter that even ducks near a pond would reject if we were to throw it to them... There were stains all over the matted and shreded carpet... Crumbs were draped all over the floor, but have no fear the mice would run from this disaster.... Massive ammounts of debris was scattered all around the house with no closure.... Freezers and refrigerators needing to be taken apart so that they could be moved through the door had to be done without any tools... Butter knives needed to be used and Jared was valiant to stay in a tightly setted room and take on this task... Calling Election Made Sure came to mind as I observed him doing this from the outside of the house where the air was not as stenched as inside... Ahh, the smell, well let's go to the lab and mix up urine, fecal matter, with dog sweat odor, and a touch, no check that but a dumping of vomit and you will realize the smell that we had to endure each time we went in... A side note, you might ask why did we stay and do this, well our Bishop asked us to do it and we were obedient.... There was a time that I jerked my head back and started to gag and the woman of the house was right behind me and I apoligize but I told her that you might be used to this smell but it caused me to shutter everytime I went in... She took it quite well... Hmmmm... No comment.... We filled up a U-Haul and two trailers and we still had gunk laying around, I believe it is still there now just fermenting.... We took the said items that we packed to a desert rendezvous where we put it in a storage shed that already had other unsavory items and though I knew we were in snake country I knew that a snake would be smart enough not to dwell in a place like that.... We survived but all of us took massive showers and Brian claims he used two bars of soap but I only used three-fourths of a large bar of soap.... I don't have much hair these days but I washed it about 4 times that night and stopped because the water was turning cold on me.... We did it and we will forever be bonded together in this escapade and it will be impossible to hyperbolize this experiece as we talk about it 30 years from now....
We had a wonderful 24th of July celebration at the park and we had a huge crowd... I also had wonderful PPI's and a special visit with Bo as we keep in contact and work toward the goal of Bo going on a mission... He is worthy and desires to remain so, I am proud of him.... Bo gave a nice talk in church today also... Taylor has a friend name Jenna spending the week with us in preparation of Youth Conference next week... I went with Joshua to give a priesthood blessing and I am a very happy man with wife that is my best friend and whom I love very much.... Night... 39

1 comment:

Scott Briggs said...

You are a better man than me I might have vomited and had nothing to say but sorry do you need that wiped off the carpet or is it okay where it is. Good job and I hope Heavenly Father gives you kudo points for doing it.