Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm back Mom....

It has been a long time since I have written last...I could have gotten on Becca's computer but it was difficult to find time especially when it wasn't my own computer, oh to be sure Becca wouldn't have minded, but, well... I just didn't do it... I did have fun at the triplets birthday party at a air filled major big slides in a warehouse... It was fun... I got to golf there twice and had a blast and it was cheap too.... They have a special spirit in there house... Taylor, Bo and I really got sick on the same day last week and that was a lot of fun constantly reserving the bathroom so we could spew our guts out... It only lasted for twelve hours and we celebrated by eating chicken noodle soup that night... Rachael is now a first counselor in the Young Women Presidency and Julie is the secretary... I feel bad for Rachelle because she hasn't received help in Primary yet... Taylor and I went on a Daddy/Daughter date to see "Eclipse" and she drove, it was a fun day.... Glad to be back and I hope I get into a good habit again... Luv ya all.... Night... 39

1 comment:

Munchkin Invasion said...

We missed the blog...but, it's okay if we tell Grandma that you couldn't blog at my house, because I couldn't find the password to the internet so you could get on your computer. Sorry Grandma! :)

We loved the visit and Isaiah's trying to countdown to the next visit!