Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brian did it he is a school board member...

Wow, I am so proud of Brian... He is not even here a year and he got voted in as a school board member... Now, the work is going to begin... I remember when I was made Bishop that it seem like it was just an hour that I felt honored and then I was on a service roller coaster like I have never been on before... Brian is going to have half of the people happy and the other half is going to be angry with him.... Rachael will be watched everywhere she goes and is going to be judged on a different level, but who cares, Brian is there to serve and I hope that he is successful in making decisions with the best intention and the (sorry Jake) hell with the rest of them... Jake is my language monitor and that is because he doesn't want me to say gray words in front of his kids... I admire that... I had a wonderful talk with Bo today about his ticket... I didn't want to talk to him yesterday because I wanted to be rational, it reminded me of a time when I came home from our cruise just to find out that my son Scott who did not have a licence ran into the building at the dairy here... I just went to bed and talked to him the next day... Both times I believe I did the right thing and oh by the way, they both went to bed wondering what was going to happen tomorrow and I think that might be the greatest punishment of all...Tayor and I are going to the movie by Michael Jackson this Friday and we are going to stop and get her a new IPOD that she saved half of her money for.... I love doing things with her... I think that Venna and McKenna is going also, but I know for sure Taylor and I are doing it... My class has finally stopped treating me like a substitute and we got some good things done today.... With all the headaches I really do love teaching... I am lucky to do a job I love... Night... 39

1 comment:

Munchkin Invasion said...

I'm SOOOO proud of Brian!!! Good for him!!! And, good job with Bo. Enjoy the movie - tell me if you like it!