Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bishop in Visalia Killed, hmmmm......

Janet just called me and told me about a Bishop in Visalia who was killed in his office today.... Add to this our building being torched two days in a row and that is the making of wonder and if it is all a coincidence or are we getting started in being persecuted because of the teachings of Jesus Christ... I had a very special prayer this morning and what took place during the prayer is not important but I can testify that I know that the Savior lives... I had a wonderful visit in my prayers.... I had the opportunity to speak in church before our Bishop and Stake President and there was a wonderful Spirit as we discussed the wards efforts on activation/missionary work.... We are having the Saints bring into their home a less active, part member, or a non-member into their home to be taught by the missionaries by Jan. 1st... We are going to have priesthood holders tell us the date that they are planning on having the lessons taught and we are going to keep track of it for the missionaries.... Bishop Dassler and President Banfield then got up and had them raise the right hand to a square to sustain the action and do their part... It is pretty exciting what takes place in our ward... People make fun of it but we are mover and shakers and the Saints are great in doing marvelous things...Again, I had so much fun this past 3 days spending it with my nephews and brothers and the Spirit of love was obvious... Grandma Barto Briggs provided the money for the league and motel for the draft and that was kind to because I know I had children myself that were blessed for this kind gift.... I received a phone call last night stating that there were blinking lights on at the church so Joshua, Billy Dassler, Bishop Dassler and myself went to investigate, but the lights were from machines that are dioxidating the rooms but I did feel that I saw someone in the lobby on the south side so we all went into the church to investigate and boy, was the adrenaline flowing as we looked into every room to make sure there was nobody there.... We always knew that persecution was suppose to come back in the Last Days and if this is it then I agree with Taylor, "Bring it on!" We are on the winning team and we are not afraid to die for the cause of truth.... I hope that I don't sound arrogant because I do not want to see any trouble, but I do know that this church is true.... Night... 39

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