Monday, September 6, 2010

Day off....

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning (No not to golf) to go help 10 other brethern put shingles on the roof of an elderly gentleman and 4 of our brethern help put them on for him.... I belong to a wonderful ward that is not afraid to do reasonable service projects.... I came home about 6:00 to go back to sleep and I slept until 9:00... Taylor and I went and got some brockworst meat and Taylor made a mean spaghetti dinner and I was in heaven... It was a lazy day, but we did fixed a couch, mostly Venna did that, I just did the heavy work... I heard Obama speak today and it really made me sick and he is absolutely the most evil man we have ever had in the White House... Night... 39

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