Sunday, June 20, 2010

I had a wonderful Father's Day....

How could I not have a wonderful Father's Day when I had so many of my children in my house and was able to talk to those who are not here... My family has always been so kind to me and it humbles me greatly... I paused for a moment with everyone at our house and I was amazed that from my flesh and blood such wonderful individuals came about... Jacob was called to be Young Men President.... We had a wonderful Elder's Quorom Presidency meeting and I think Brian is going to be my new counselor... It seems like Brian has been here forever and it is fun to see him fellowship those who are getting activated and have such a wonderful influence on them, namely Phillip Stout today.... I also had a very spiritual interview with Loyal Dillon who just turned 19 last week... We sang "Oh My Father" in Sacrament Meeting and I was touched by a very powerful and personal Spirit as I sang that song... I do love my Father in Heaven... I talked to the Brethern about our Ward service project this Saturday at the Pierson's house and I could only see excitement in their faces... We are going to serve for one hour but I fully expect over 40 people there to serve and that is a weeks worth of work for an individual so we are looking forward to helping this less active family... I belong to a nice ward and I have a wonderful family.... I am so thankful to have a wonderful and supporting wife.... I miss my Dad.... Night.... 39

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