Monday, December 14, 2009

Yancy Rodriguez is going to Brown University...

Yancy came by to tell Venna and I that he is going to Brown on a full ride scholarship on everything.... Everything is paid... He is a fine young man that is one of Bo's best friend... I coached him and Jacob and Venna taught him... Wow, we are really proud of him... I love writing in this blog, it brings a lot of satisfaction to me to do this... I know that it reaches a lot of love ones and I hope that I will never write anything that can be hurtful to anyone who reads it... I love sharing my inner thoughts and I feel a responsibility to think of the Savior as I write that nothing here will ever be contradicting to the teachings that our Lord and church teaches (for they are the same).... I love my family very much and I am thankful for Venna who was willing to have 8 c-sections to have all of our children... Especially when I know that Taylor was meant to come to the earth... Venna will always be my hero for not leaving her behind.... I am thankful for Bo and Venna has some really neat stories about Bo and Taylor from seminary that I hope she will share with us on this blog... Bo reminds me a lot of Becca when she was his age... Both die hards in the church and very Spiritual even when the people would misunderstand them... Bo is going to be there in the end because he really does have a testimony... Night... 39

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