Saturday, May 29, 2010

It is done....

It has been a great year and one that I will always appreciate... I had a wonderful class of students who really worked for me... I am thankful that I am not going to teach math anymore because that subject always cause me great anxiety because of the black and white nature of it... I believe I did well with it but it is the one subject that I had a constant game face and it was a "don't mess with the math teacher because he means buisness" face... The other subjects I was able to have fun with, but math it was all buisness most of the time... I have practically moved into Venna's old room already and I am going to be able to keep most of her wall displays, heck I am almost ready to teach next week... Now, on the reality front, I am looking forward to getting a break... Venna and I went and got a massage and then we went to a movie.. We saw "Prince of Persia" and it was fun to see on screen a game that my older boys played on the old MAC computer we used to have... It was a cute show but Jake wouldn't like it because there was a mechanism that let people go back in time... But, save Jake's dismay, I enjoyed the movie... Night... 39

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