Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And the beat goes on....

I thought that I was completely done with officiating but I did some scrimmages in girls volleyball tonight and I am going to officiate this season... I think I am doing it because of the money I am going to lose not doing WAA (Wilsona Achievement Acadamy).... Joshua and I are doing it together....I am really having fun teaching my class.... They are a great bunch of kids and they really treat me nice.... I feel like the students are really learning a lot of things.... We were officiating in a gym tonight that was just 2/3 litted... It is amazing to me that we live in a time and age when they can't even light up the gym.... As I am going out to my car afterwards I see girls and boys hanging all over each other.... I just think to myself how scary it is to send Bo and Taylor to school.... And yet I know that I can't pull the plug.... They are the remaining light in the schools with all the other Latter Day Saints.... Now, someone might think that I am arrogant and I would be if the doctrines and church wasn't truly the Lords.... I just pray that they are protected, I believe they are.... We would probably be shocked to see how many administrating angels are on their left and right hands and all about them..... Hmmm..... Did I say that the gym was 2/3 litted, that would mean that it is 1/3 dark.... We are the 2/3 and we need to hang in there no matter what.... Night!


Munchkin Invasion said...

THAT was very interesting....

malleygirl said...

Jeff I wanted to thank you for your comment. It was so thoughtful and kind. Wade thinks so highly of you and we are grateful for your watchful eye!