Thursday, September 10, 2009

I saw Theron Billy's new baby!

Way back when we lived in Anaheim around the time of 1983 we had a Lamanite child who stayed with us during the school season.... His name is Theron Billy and now through the internet I am able to see his new baby and wife Vanessa and I have to say it is a really proud moment to be able to witness this through the magic world that we live in... It's wonderful to be able to share my thoughts and instantly hear from family members also... Wow, this is a great life.... Then there is President Obama speaking to our Congress last night and how ill it makes me to have a president that never talks about how great our country is and the great history that we hold.... I only hear how selfish and wicked we are, that is really crazy and upside down... Oh well, I belong to the Lords church and He promised us that we live in the promise land so let President Obama and his cronies do their best but they will fail miserably in the end.... We have that promise from the Book of Mormon.... I officiated a volleyball game agan at Vasquez and I got paid $113 dollars for 3 hours work.... I worked with Becky Derreck whom I deeply respect as an official.... Pro football started tonight but it isn't nearly as exciting as college football....Steelers beat the Titans in overtime.... Night!

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