Thursday, September 24, 2009

Doctor is in a giggly mood!

I went to my cardiologist so he could give me his view of my blood test results.... I showed him the pills that Dr. Grubb gave to me and he was all happy that I get to take these pills.... He told me it will really help me feel normal again... I told him that I feel find, but he assured me that I really didn't know what fine was.... He told me that in one month I will really feel good... He also told me that people like to go on the stuff who really shouldn't because they want to lose weight.... He assured me that I would lose 10 pounds in the next two months.... He was just giddy and it was kind of weird to witness, I guess that I am pretty glad that I have the stuff.... He told me that I will be on it for the rest of my life.... I forgot to mention last night that I saw Taylor run her first cross country meet yesterday.... It is always fun to watch my baby do things in high school... I am very proud of her.... Bo is getting bigger, not taller but bigger and he is beginning to fill out.... Was it not creepy to see those elementary school kids sing that song in a worshiping way about Obama.... I am telling you he would be front page news in the Book of Mormon if he would have existed back in those times.... We aren't going to sing some warped song in my class about Obama.... If you are reading this fifty years from now, then do yourself a favor and look up this ACORN group that exists at this time..... You will think they are fiction but oh my they are real, and really wicked..... I can't understand how people will embrace wickedness like that... Oh by the way Scott can you go over to Wayne's house and help my mom get all the blogs that we have on her computer... I tried but my lack of computer knowledge was just downright embarrassing and I could tell she wanted someone who really knew what he is doing working on her computer.... Thank you Scott.... Night

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